Insomnia or dilemma

Guess this doesn't have to do with anything I've written in the title. Well, ever felt like liking a person but you can't get a reaction on the person. Kinda sad isn't it, but sometimes it's also the liker fault too.

Feel kinda stupid to write this now, when he's with her, he felt happy but in a way also felt kinda sad. Maybe because the guy have no confident in himself. The girl is pretty and funny and all but the guy seems retarded somehow, just dunno why.

Sits there, looking at the ceiling, daydreaming. Maybe the guy need some strong encouragement or something just to snap his person make to life again, the guy feels like a zombie. Doing the same thing over and over and over again.

For the girl, she is great thou. The guy, need to start boosting his self-confident and do what ever is necessary so that he may go after the girl he likes.

Guess the guy needs to let go what ever past hurt, scare, humiliation and etc. Just move forwards and do what he felt like doing, for at least now. I mean, who doesn't afraid to get hurt badly. I've had my drama love story which is so freaking complicated that it scar my mind.

Things that had happened must be keep as an experiences and not a burden for our ownself. Carry the experiences, leave the burden behind, be a wise person


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